One of my favorite pastimes is cooking and baking and since the kids were born I have tried to include them as much as possible. Sean in particular is a really fussy eater but I find that if he gets involved in making his food he is much more likely to eat it. I decided to make some aprons and thought first along the lines of using oilcloth because it is so durable and easy to clean. One of the big drawbacks on using oilcloth for aprons is it is just not very comfortable to wear. When you sit or bend down the apron doesn't quite move with you especially when you are just a couple of feet high. I also think if you enjoy cooking your apron should look like it has been used and loved so I decided to stick to good old reliable 100% cotton. As usual my first attempt was in pink - because I have so much of it in my stash. I wanted to make the straps adjustable but without using Velcro so I was constantly asking Sean to try on so that I could get the measurements right. Of course being a typical boy he was horrified that I was making him wear a pink apron. We entered into a bout of negotiations and it was decided that he would continue to help with the 'pink thing' if I could make him a soldier apron. Deal done and delivered:
Once I had mastered the bigger apron I tried out a miniature one for Kirsty to match her red and white play kitchen.
The fun part was to then christen the new aprons. What better way than to get the kids to make the chocolate brownies for todays' Monday Mood Food.